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LINK Good Neighbours Scheme


Firsdown, Lopcombe Corner and

The Winterslows LINK Scheme

Registered Charity No: 1066336

What is the LINK scheme?

Even though our village LINK scheme has been helping local people for over 12 years, we still frequently
hear the comment “I don’t really know what LINK does”!!

Well let me explain, LINK is a team of local volunteers who help the community by offering care and
transport to people in need. LINK supports and complements Local Community Health and Social Services
but is not intended to replace them. It is organised by a committee of local people who oversee the general
running of the scheme and try and “link” up someone’s need with a volunteer who can help.

Our branch of LINK has always been self supporting and has never had to resort to claiming funds from central office. We have managed this by holding events such as running a water station at the Clarendon Marathon, donations from grateful recipients and our collection boxes. Although no charge is made for services given, we are always grateful for a donation from those we help, particularly for transport as this is very expensive these days.

So what can we help you with?
We can provide transport to a hospital or clinic, help you to write a letter or fill in a difficult form. Maybe
provide a meal or visit you if you are lonely or housebound. We could exercise or feed your dog or cat.
Fetching library books, shopping or prescriptions can be organised. If you look after elderly or disabled
relatives we could give you a break. We may even be able to carry out small jobs around the house

And what can you help us with?
Why not join our group of “good neighbour” volunteers and provide transport to hospitals etc? We
desperately need more drivers. Could you spare the time to visit the lonely or housebound or collect
shopping, prescriptions etc. for them? Are you willing to do small jobs around the house or garden or even
just befriend someone who is lonely or in need?

Link volunteers receive a mileage allowance and any out of pocket expenses. We provide insurance cover for
volunteers giving transport services.

If you can help, or would like help, or more information then please phone
Carol on 01980 863287 for the 24 hour helpline


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