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Winterslow Scout Group

Winterslow Scout Group meets at the Methodist Hall each week during term time. There are four Sections enabling children from 6 years upwards to experience a diverse range of activities, with a strong emphasis on enjoying themselves outdoors. All children are welcome, and applications should be made directly to the appropriate Section Leader. As Scouting is a popular activity in Winterslow, we do operate a waiting list, and have an Admissions Policy available upon request from the Group Scout Leader to ensure equal access, and fair progression through Scouting.



Beavers accepts children from 6-8 years of age. The Beavers meet 6-7 pm on Wednesday evenings.
Beaver Scout Leader: Lesley Waters, 01980 862269


Cubs is for children from 8-10½ years of age. The Cubs meet on Tuesday evenings 6.30-8 pm.
Cub Scout Leader: Kay Putman, 01980 863004



Scouts is for children from 10½-14 years. This Section meets on Thursday evenings 7.30-9 pm.
Scout Leader: Jim Cullen, 01722 712405


Explorers is for young people aged 14-18 years. In the village, this Section meets on Friday evenings, although the activities of other Explorer Groups are open to any members, and may take place on other days.
Explorer Leader: Chris Green, 01980 610602



For all Sections, our aim is to provide a balanced programme, to facilitate the physical,
intellectual, spiritual and social development of the individual. As the children mature, they have more input into the programme, and are encouraged to develop their independence and personal responsibility. A love of the outdoors, nature and the environment is an underlying principal of Scouting, and this is reflected in the activities undertaken. Camps are organised from Cubs up, as are activities such as campfire cooking, hiking and climbing. For each Section, there is a recognition system of badges, reflecting the achievements of the individual. The top badge for each Section is the Chief Scout's Award.



Further information about Scouting, badges and the programme can be found at


Adult Helpers
There are two types of adults involved in Scouting: warranted (uniformed) and unwarranted. All adults wishing to be involved in Scouting are subject to background checks to ensure their suitability to work with young people. Warranted Leaders are able to take advantage of an extensive package of training to help them in delivering Scouting in an appropriate way to their selected age group. Each Section is led by a Leader, supported by at least one Assistant Leader, and hopefully some non-uniformed regular helpers. Behind the scenes, unwarranted adults are also essential to the Group by sitting on the Executive Committee. This Committee is responsible for the correct running of the Group, and consists of a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and other members, including the warranted Leaders. The Executive also supports the fundraising and community activities of the Group.

Adult helpers come to Scouting through many routes. For many, they get involved initially because their children are members of the Group. However, this is not a requirement for being a helper, so much as enjoying helping young people get the most out of Scouting and having fun. A weekly commitment is not always possible for some people, and this can also be accommodated. One thing is certain, all adults say how much fun they have in Scouting, whether it is being involved at Section or Executive level. If you are interested in hearing more about helping in Scouting, please contact the Group Scout Leader.

Petra Oyston-Brown
Group Scout Leader
01980 862139




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