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As part of the Parish Plan process it was identified that there are incidents of ant-social behaviour, vandalism and petty crime occurring which are not being reported to the police and as such are not being recorded. What we are attempting to do is get a true picture of the problem, if indeed there is one. We can then give accurate reports to the police and help them target their limited resources to specific areas of need within the community.

What we would like you to do is click on the link crimestoppers and give times, dates, details of incidents, no matter how insignificant you may think they are. We would prefer some contact details, but will understand if you wish to maintain your privacy.

For example have you seen a strange vehicle in the vicinity of your home and have the registration, have you seen evidence of fly tipping, found evidence of drug taking, seen someone vandalising bus shelters or seen someone acting strangely.

By providing this information you are working with us to create a better environment and make Winterslow an even safer place to live.


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Next page: Speedwatch