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General Safety


In ANY Emergency,  Dial 999

If you wish to report a crime please ring your local Police Station on 0845 408 7000 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Wiltshire police website is relaunched! The new design makes it more accessible to all members of our society, easier to navigate through and obtain information quickly, without the need for downloads or special software. It has revolutionised the way people with visual impairments or learning difficulties can access vital information, using a specially adapted Textic toolbar to cater for their requirements. This customised toolbar includes a variety of functions such as breakthrough text-to-speech technology - 'Talklets', allowing text to be spoken out in a natural voice and in real time. Information can also be translated into a variety of languages common to Wiltshire and will incorporate Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Hindi, Romanian, Polish, and Portuguese.

The Neighbourhood policing team pages remain largely unchanged with local information and contact points on the area page.
People will have the option to save information from the webpage as an MP3 and transfer it to any audio playing device such as an iPod or mobile phone for listening on the move, which gives the site a new and interesting tool for people to play with.

The reporting crime feature has also been improved, other features soon to be available will be the facility for users to apply for jobs online and check the status of their application, the capacity to accept online payments, enabling the public to pay for items such as firearms

Contacting the Local Beat Manager
PC 1594 Community Beat Manager
*Phone: 0845 408 7000 ext. 742-511
* E-mail
* Mail: Henry Clissold, Alderbury Police Station, Grimstead Road,
Whaddon, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP5 3EX

The Alderbury Neighbourhood Policing team covers the parishes of Alderbury, Pitton, The Grimsteads, Farley, Clarendon, Winterslow, Landford, West Dean and Whiteparish. The aim of Neighbourhood Policing is to have dedicated policing teams in the local community. Neighbourhood Policing Teams will work with the community to tackle local concerns. Teams will work with residents and local agencies to improve quality of life. Officers will be based locally and will have clear geographic areas of responsibility. The Alderbury Neighbourhood Policing Team consists of the Beat Manager PC Henry Clissold and PCSO(Police Community Support Officer) Bill Parr.

They will be supported within their roles by a special constable.

Alderbury police station remains open and staffed by the neighbourhood teams. The enquiry office at the station although not staffed permanently is still in situ and callers enquiries will still be dealt with by officers.

Pc Henry Clissold  Community Beat Manager


PCSO Bill Parr  Community Support Officer


A brief reminder of responsible dog walking

When on any enclosed land with sheep all dogs must be on a lead or 'under close control'. If you allow your dog to worry livestock you can be prosecuted and fined, ordered to pay compensation and even have the dog destroyed. Worrying livestock means attacking or chasing any farm animal or poultry - there does not have to be any contact. It also states that the farmer is not liable to compensate the dog> '> s owner in such circumstances.

Any dog which is not a working dog can be regarded as worrying livestock merely by being off lead or not under close control in a field or enclosure where there are sheep. A landowner could shoot such a dog, if it can be proved that the action was necessary to protect livestock and that it was reported to the police within 48 hours. The dog's owner can then be subject to all the above penalties too - except being shot, of course.

On a right of way your dog does not have to be on a lead but it does have to be 'under close control'. This phrase is not defined but pretty much means that if you are in a field with animals or poultry and your dog will not always come, straight away, when called even when he's chasing things and then stay there, he could be at risk of being seen to worry animals. So, if there is any chance he might go off then the lead is the best option until you are out of the field with livestock in it.

A person in charge of a dog must remove the faeces straight away if the dog has defecated in an area where the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 applies. Otherwise they are contravening the Law and could be subject, on conviction, to a penalty of up to £1000.

Responsible dog walkers will already be aware of this but as the weather gets better it is a timely reminder to us all. I don't mean to scare you all but I would rather remind you of this than have to deal with the aftermath of any such incident.

Stay Out Stranger (SOS)

Following recent events in Landford, Wiltshire Police wish to highlight the Stay Out Stranger (SOS) messages to all residents. Wiltshire is one of the safest counties in the country and distraction type offences have dramatically reduced by over a half compared to last year and Wiltshire is at the forefront of detecting this type of offence in the country.

Distraction burglars operate by diverting the attention of the home owner to give them or their accomplice time to search the house for money and valuables. Many will pose as 'officials' such as those from the water board and ask them to perform a task such as turning on taps. However, many other distractions are used including requesting a glass of water or asking to phone a vehicle break-down service.

The SOS - Stay Out Stranger campaign is promoting the steps that can be taken to avoid becoming a victim. Anyone who receives an unknown and unexpected caller should keep them outside and not open the door. Distraction burglars can be very convincing and if they are given the chance to speak could talk their way into a house or even barge in if they feel they will not be let in with permission.

  • If someone knocks at your door - stop - think and remember - SOS – Stay Out Stranger!
  • Keep your door shut and locked and use a spy-hole or window to check who is outside
  • Do NOT open the door if you don't recognise or are not expecting a caller
  • Avoid keeping large amounts of cash at home.
  • If you see anything suspicious please call 999